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Looking for the results of the Tractor Pulls?
2024 Tractor Pull Results
2023 Tractor Pull Results
2022 Tractor Pull Results
Overview of our Tractor Pull Events
FREE grandstand bleacher seating right next to the pulling track. Get up close and personal with the tractors and their drivers. Cheer on your favorites. Food stand, beer garden and toilets located behind the bleachers.
Here is all the information that you need to know! So be sure to read it!
Tractor Entry Fee: Per hook – $25 Come check our scale house – best one around!
- Drivers must be 12 years old. Anyone under the age of 16 must have completed the current year Almelund Tractor Clinic safety test.
- The driver must be weighed with the tractor during the day of the pull, on the same scale as everyone.
- Drivers must be seated on the seat and have complete control of the tractor at all times.
- No alcohol consumption will be allowed by the pullers until after they are done for the day. NO refund will be made if you are disqualified under this rule.
- If anything falls off the tractor while hooked to the sled, the tractor will be disqualified.
- Tractor, not the sled, must remain in bounds at all times. Out of bounds will result in disqualification.
- Any tractor can only pull once in the same class.
- Drawbars must not exceed 20 inches in height. Point of pull is to be 18 inches minimum from the center of the rear axle. Point of pull is where the chain hook from the sled engages in the clevis or pull ring. Drawbars must be stationary in all directions.
- Weight brackets must not extend rearward beyond rear tires and cannot be more than 11 feet from the center of the rear axle to the furthest point forward.
- One restart will be allowed only if the tractor has traveled 50 feet or less. Pull will end if the front raises over 18” during the pull.
- All rules will be interpreted by the Rules Committee. Any unforeseen problems or oversights will be ruled on by the Rules Committee with their rulings being final.
- Argumentative or abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone being abusive or argumentative will be escorted to the entrance gate, asked to leave, and prohibited from returning this year’s show.
- No exhibition pulls will be allowed.
- Two (2) single day wristbands will be given per day per tractor registering to pull. Wristbands will be given at the gate as the tractor enters the pulling area.
- Tractors must be weighed prior to registration on Sunday only. Friday and Saturday registration no longerrequires pre-weighing.
Registration from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Our Friday Night Tractor Pull is the one everyone comes to see – whether as a spectator or entrant! All the Classics.
Tractors: 3500, 4500, 5500, 7000, 9000, 11000, and 13000
Powder Puff Tractors: 4000 and 5000
Open class tractors: 4500 and 5500
No steel wheels. Two wheel drive only. No duals. No full or v-cut tires.
Tractors must be naturally aspirated or be equipped with factory installed turbos or blowers (Oliver 99GM, Allis Chalmers D19, 190XT, etc.)
Gas, diesel or LP fuels only. No alcohol or nitrous oxide fuels may be used in the tractors.
Must have an original type block. Power blocks OK. Diesels must have stock diesel fuel injection equipment.
Registration from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
4 MPH Speed Limit: 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000 and 5500
Powder Puff 4 MPH: 4000 and 5000
6 MPH Speed Limit: 6000, 7000, 9000 and 12000
Powder Puff 6 MPH: 6000
No speed limit: 4750
Central MN Points Series: 5500
Tractors must be 1960 and older
Allowed only one (1) time over the speed limit during the pull, two (2) times will result in disqualification.
Any RPM is allowed.
No turbos or horsepower increasing injection equipment will be allowed. Diesel tractors must have stock diesel fuel injection equipment. Tractors must have a stock appearing block, cylinder head and manifold of agricultural origin. Blocks must bolt directly to the OEM chassis and frame.
No power blocks. Non-factory engine or side shields are not allowed.
No steel wheels. Two wheel drive only. No duals. No full or v-cut tires.
Central MN Points Series class will follow their rules for competition.
Registration and Tractor Inspection from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Tractors 1975 or older: 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000 and 13000
All tractors will pull together, regardless of steel wheels or not.
No modifications whatsoever. No removal of original equipment. All tractors must be stock. Stock RPM. Must have a working governor, stock exhaust, etc.
Drawbars must be factory, factory extensions only. Puller must provide pulling clevis. Drawbars must be
stationary in all directions. Sled must hook to the factory drawbar.
Factory weights only attached with OEM bolts in the OEM location. No non-factory weight brackets or weights.
Two wheel drive only. No duals.
Any tractor that pulled Friday or Saturday cannot pull on Sunday.
All tractors must pass tech inspection prior to registration. All rules will be interpreted by the Rules Committee. Any unforeseen problems or oversights will be ruled on by the Rules Committee with their rulings being final.
Diesel fuel injection pumps must be set to stock specs. Tech personnel will rule on this and will disqualify tractors with excessive smoke.
If the flagman believes that a tractor is over RPM, the tractor will be immediately sent to the quarantine area for testing. The driver must stay seated on the tractor until the testing is complete.
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17760 St. Croix Trail, Taylors Falls, MN 55084 | Showgrounds: 651-583-2083
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